
QPR Grenfell Memorial Cup

Posted on May 21st, 2022

On Saturday 21st May 2022, QPR hosted The Grenfell Memorial Cup. With over 4000 spectators and 600 local people getting the chance to play on the pitch, it was a fantastic day for families to come together. There was a game of bereaved and survivors vs blue lights, a North Kensington community tournament, a children's kick around and all stars vs a celebrity team. The whole community game together to remember and reflect, but also to celebrate our community 5 years after Grenfell.

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Posted on December 16th, 2021

For nearly 5 years we've remained dignified. We've campaigned for justice for our 72 who no longer have a voice. We've campaigned to ensure another Grenfell never happens again. But now we're changing our tone. We've waited too long. The Grenfell Public Inquiry has uncovered millions of documents, the evidence is staring us in the face, yet no action. There cannot be a two tiered justice system. We need to see criminal charges for those responsible. We #DemandCharges

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Grenfell United Statement in response to the Times article about the demolition of Grenfell Tower

Posted in press on September 6th, 2021

Our response to the Times article regarding the upcoming decision by The Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government to rush the demolition of Grenfell Tower, given that less than 10 bereaved and survivors have been consulted on their thoughts about it, and that no one has yet been held accountable. This is our statement:

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Government publishes The Charter for Social Housing Residents: Social Housing White Paper

Posted in press on November 17th, 2020

After Grenfell the Government made a promise to survivors and bereaved to review how people in social housing are treated. Now they have published The Charter for Social Housing Residents: Social Housing White Paper. This is our statement on the white paper

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